AN ALIEN ROBOT'S COOKBOOK was written especially for picky eaters.
My ten-year old son Gabriel and I have created a distinctive cookbook for picky eaters ages 7-14, titled An Alien Robot’s Cookbook. I was one of two original owners of the Davis café Delta of Venus. I wrote the book and Gabriel illustrated.
Celebrated chef Deborah Madison (author of Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, Local Flavors, and Greens Cookbook) was kind enough to say, “What a goofy, fun and ultimately useable book—both for kids and adults. I mean, who can resist “Pigs in Spaceships” or “Realistic Corn Fritters”? I loved reading "An Alien Robot’s Cookbook." It made me smile. I imagine anyone could cook from it and have real food, and the drawings are out of this world!” Thanks Deborah!!!
An Alien Robot’s Cookbook contains over 85 real recipes from Planet Earth that have been taste-tested by Gabriel, his four-year old brother Joey, their finicky friends, and by our many neighbors in the Muir Commons Cohousing community in Davis. Much like the Delta of Venus Café, the cookbook emphasizes locally grown produce and organic ingredients. Fantastic food facts, other-worldly creatures, and data about outer space are incorporated as added treats.
The book encourages kids to slow down and to become more involved in what they eat. Food can be a source of energy, but it can also serve as a foundation for sharing experiences.